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Black Tool Box Laboratory (BTB) was establashed on 1 December, 2017. Aafter 3 years, we established Cogman Ltd. And for recoding the growth of Cogman. Every last season of year, we will summary our growth and achievements for reviewing.

Annual review


Diversified development

In this year, we took some interesting cases for diversity of Cogman's developing abilities such like developing some tiny web game and third-party service integration.

Annual review


Stable Growth

This is third year of Cogman. Three year is a very important milestone to any start-up company including Cogman. We are growing stably and keeping developing our business and service.

Annual review


Full-time and Full-heart

We are glad to announce we achieved our goal this year and we are exciting to take new challenge next year.

Annual review


Cogman Ltd. Established

For the vision, we establish our company and to include BTB Lab. as a part of Cogman. To the future, we will do review our growth and achievements to encourage ourselves for next.

Annual review


Development of Vue-based Packages and Refactor the Component of React-based

This year, besides began the development of Vue-based components. We refactored our React-based components for the new published version of React.

Annual review


Development of JavaScript Tool Packages

We do develop React-based components. However some features used like tools are not depend on any framework. So we began to develop some tool-like and pure-JavaScript components.

Annual review


Black Tool Box Laboratory Established

For self-training the abilities of development. We established a laboratory. Started form React, we developed some React-based components and try some coding pattern experimentally. More it is, we self-trained to analyze the nature of features and components.